Tuesday, 28 January 2014

I.G.I.-2: Secret Attack is a video designed by Innerloop Companies and launched by Codemasters in 2003. The experience is a stealth-based first person shooting. It is the follow up to Innerloop's Venture I.G.I.: I'm Going In. The unique, launched by Eidos Entertaining, provided only single-player play. Frank He, a former Unique Air Service surgical best known for being the only effective escapee of Well done Two Zero, provided as a advisor to the activity.
The mission's story functions a fake China Common, "Wu Xing" as the main villain. Xing orchestrates various activities (such as equipped theft of innovative model technological innovation from the European mafia) in order to get electro-magnetic beat (EMP) weapons on an area bomb that he has release control over.
The activity was prohibited in China suppliers, because it "intentionally blackened China suppliers and the China army's image".The box art is just like the poster for GoldenEye.The mission's character, Bob Jackson, an broker working for the Institution for Geotactical Intellect and former English SAS owner,was sent to theCarpathian hills to restore a set of EMP snacks thieved by a number of European mafia from a high-tech US service. After HALO moving and breaking through the elements place in the hills and accessing one of the EMP snacks, his objective home (Phillip White) instructions him to go to restore the staying EMP snacks so that the IGI scientists can release a full range research on the snacks to figure out their real utilization against the criminals. He then goes to the link and damages it. Then in the development service he gets 50 percent of the EMP snacks. After this occurrence, he is tricked by his lead, John Pursuit and objective home, Phillip White-colored as they take the EMP snacks acquired by Jackson. After a sequence of activities, he gradually discovers himself at the boundaries of Romania, where he is then compelled to avoid the inbound boundary patrols.

System Requirements :
  • System : Pentium IV CPU 2.0 Ghz
  • Ram : 1 Gb
  • Size :176.05 MB
  • Video Memory : 64 MB
  • Windows ; xp,Vista,7 And 8

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